27 December 2016

Remini taunting Scientology

Esquire has an article by Megan Friedman about Scientology:

Actress Leah Remini, best known for her role on The King of Queens, is now making a name for herself as one of the most vocal critics of the Church of Scientology. Formerly a member of the secretive organization, she has written a book and produced a television series, Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath, about what it's like both inside and outside of the group. She and other ex-Scientologists have accused the church of defrauding its members, plus a number of other horrific abuses.
The Church of Scientology has created an entire website to respond to Remini's show; the website claims that Remini and the other ex-Scientologists she talks to, are lying to get money. But Remini is willing to defend herself in court, should the secretive organization want to take her on.
On his television show Larry King Now, Larry King read aloud Scientology's statement about her show. The program, the church says, is "a scripted, rehearsed, acted, and dramatized work of fiction" that is "featuring liars that who have, for a profit, been telling different versions of the same false tales of abuse for years, many reviewed and discredited in courts of law."
Remini had a succinct response: so sue me:
They should sue us. I mean, it's as simple as that. Listen, they say this on every outlet they can, they have said that about every single person who has spoken out, and not one lawsuit has been brought against anybody. This is not a group that is scared of a lawsuit. They're a litigious group, and so if that were true, they would simply sue us. And I welcome them to do that.
She elaborated to King that she's standing up to speak out against a church that she believes is doing major harm. "What I'm not gonna stand for is an organization with this kind of money to continue to do things like that, to bully people, to harass people, to defraud people out of their lives, their money, and more importantly, their families," she said. "I'm not going to sit around and watch it happen."
Rico says she'll be lucky if it's just a lawsuit; them people is crazy...

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