05 November 2016

Another Internet scam for the day

Rico says it's the same old shit:
Received Today 06:23

To: I have decided to get across to you through this medium irrespective of all odds since I have the mandate of my superior Mr. Moon and the World Bank President. I was appointed to come to COMBODIA ASIA by the World Bank President to effect the release of your CASH by UN/WORD BANK approved payment of $10,000,000.00 which has been approved to you since last year.  Our intelligence reported reveals that this fund has been fluctuating off and on transit until it was intercept and returned to the US-CAMBODIA Treasury Account.
It is my pleasure to inform you that your cash was uploaded to ATM Card Number; 5982 6210 4891 3790 have been approved in your favor. Your Personal Identification Number Code (ATM Pin Code) is 3401 and you can as well change it immediately as soon as you get the ATM Master Card. The ATM Master Card Value is US$10, 000.00. You are advised that a maximum daily withdrawal value of US$10,000.00 is permitted per day. Your ATM Master Card is an "Inter Switch ATM Master Card", and this means that you can make withdrawal in any ATM location and ATM Center of your choice anywhere in the world. But your withdrawal limit still remains US$10,000.00, or the equivalent in your local currency.To enable us release your ATM Master Card to you, we have concluded delivery arrangement with Chase Express Courier Services, because they are affiliated to one of the Largest Insurance Companies. Your ATM Master Card has been insured by the Chase Express Courier Services, in case of loss or theft. Please unde rstand that these are sta
In view of this development, you are requested to choose from the options listed below, as the listed options for delivery were the best gotten from the Chase Express Courier Services. All options covers insurance, so make a choice and get back to us with the option that you have chosen from the list below. Please take time to pick a choice, from the under listed: 
CECS GOLD (2 DAYS DELIVERY) Mailing         US$150.00
Insurance         US$150.00
Vat (5%)         US$50.00
TOTAL           US$350.00
CECS SILVER ( 3 DAYS DELIVERY) Mailing     US$150.00
Insurance         US$100.00
Vat (5%)          US$50.00
TOTAL             US$300.00
Insurance         US$100.00
Vat (5%)          US$50.00
TOTAL             US$250.00 
Having made your choice, I will appreciate an urgent reply is highly needed so that we can proceed immediately. Kindly reconfirm your address
1)Full Name:
2)Full Address:
3)Telephone Number:
4)A copy of identification:
Thanks for your anticipated co-operation.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Paulette Beal.

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