27 October 2016

Smashing Trump

From Time, an article by Daniel White about vandalism in Hollywood:

A man dressed as a construction worker destroyed Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame early Wednesday. The man went to work vandalizing the star around 0545 with a sledgehammer and pickaxe, according to Deadline Hollywood. Trump was awarded the star in 2007 for his work on the NBC series The Apprentice.
Identifying himself to Deadline as Jamie Otis, the man said his original idea was to remove the star and put it up for auction to benefit the women who have accused Trump of sexual assault. The removal attempt was unsuccessful, Deadline reports, leaving the star in pieces but not removed from the sidewalk.
This isn’t the first time Trump’s star has been defaced since he announced his presidential bid. It has been subject to graffiti several times, as well as an art installation in July of 2016 where a Los Angeles, California street artist surrounded the star with a miniature wall, poking fun at Trump’s insistence that he will build a wall on the US-Mexico border.
The Walk of Fame’s more than 2,500 stars are maintained by the the Hollywood Historic Trust and selected by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, according to Deadline. The chamber previously denied a petition to remove the Trump star. 
Rico says all vandalism is bad, but this isn't so bad... (And giving Trump a star for his 'work' on The Apprentice is stretching it a bit...)

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