05 September 2016

The Dutch will be so proud...

...but bitterly amused at what people do in the (obviously excessive) spare time, as War History Online reports:

Boys will be boys! They may still play with Lego, only building different things.
This video is about on the Battle of Arnhem, part of Operation Market Garden, which started on 17 September 1944 and lasted until 25 September, when the last remnants of the British 1st Airborne Division and the 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade withdrew across the Rhine river.
The video focuses on the four-day battle at the Bridge at Arnhem, where the men of John Frost's 2nd Batalion captured the northern end of the bridge, denying its use to the Germans. They kept the Germans at bay for three nights and four days, holding out against far superior German forces, including SS units and Tiger tanks.
After all the buildings held by the paratroopers were set ablaze and demolished, with countless wounded in the last remaining buildings, the British finally surrendered.
Hats off to JedAnimatonStudios for this great video!
Rico says he had to forward this to his friend in the Netherlands, who will doubtless snort in Dutch derision... (And the phrase "Lego my Arnhem" comes to mind...)

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