08 September 2016

Pence admits Obama was born in Hawai'i

Time has an article by Daniel White about the campaign:

Indiana Governor Mike Pence said he believes that President Barack Obama was, in fact, born in the US, but didn’t weigh in on whether his running mate Donald Trump should apologize for suggesting otherwise.
Pence was asked by reporters whether or not the candidate should apologize for suggesting that Obama was born outside the country, according to Politico.
“Well, I believe Barack Obama was born in Hawai'i, I accept his birthplace,” Pence told reporters before a fundraiser in San Diego, California. When asked if Trump should apologize for earlier comments, Pence said: “I think Donald Trump’s record, both as a business man and as a political leader and as a patron in supporting minority efforts and particularly supporting the advancement of the African-American community, really speaks for itself.”
Trump, on the other hand, has dodged questions about the birth certificate this week, telling reporters that he didn’t want to talk about it. “I don’t talk about it because if I talk about that, your whole thing will be about that,” Trump told reporters on his plane, The Washington Post reported. “So I don’t talk about it.”
In the lead up to the 2012 election, Trump was a prominent face of the birther movement that questioned the president’s birthplace. Last month, Hillary Clinton reminded Twitter users that Trump was a “birther”, reposting a 2012 tweet from Trump that says a source told the billionaire that Obama’s birth certificate was a fraud.
Rico says it's politics as usual; their lips are moving...

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