23 September 2016

History for the day: 1896: the Spanish-American War

War History Online has this for today:

Manning a remote island fort, seemingly without any imminent danger on the horizon, must have made for a fairly comfortable post. That was the situation on Guam until June of 1898, at the outbreak of the Spanish and American War.
Guam had been held by Spain since the 1660s. Spain had communicated with officials on the island on 14 April 1898, but war was yet to be declared. When it was, authorities forgot to communicate the news to their forces on Guam.
The United States was quick to take action, and decided that seizing several Pacific islands would give it leverage in years to come. Guam, in particular, would be a great coal replenishing stop for American naval ships.
Henry Glass, the captain of the USS Charleston (photo), was anchored at Honolulu, Hawai'i when he received orders to take his ship and a few transports into the Pacific. When they were underway, he received new orders, which told him to head to Guam, seize the port, destroy all fortifications, and take soldiers and government officials into custody as prisoners of war. His superiors told him that the mission wouldn’t take him “more than one or two days", which proved to be correct.
While en route, Captain Glass performed drills with one of the transports, the SS City of Peking, because he had heard a rumor in Honolulu that there was a Spanish gunboat in the harbor at Guam. When they reached the island on 20 June, however, they were surprised to find that the only boat anchored there was a Japanese merchant ship.
They toured around the island until they found Fort Santa Cruz, which didn’t seem too lively either. Partly because he couldn’t tell exactly what was going on at the fort and whether or not it was occupied, Glass fired thirteen rounds with his three-pounder guns.
When, after a time, he received no retaliation or response, the captain dropped anchor, ‘taking control’ of the desolate and seemingly unused harbor. The apparent lack of any activity at all from the island spurred Captain Glass to send an officer to the Japanese vessel to find out what it knew about Guam and its inhabitants and governmental status.
As he was sending this officer out, he must have been surprised to see a boat flying the Spanish flag on its way toward his own ship. Four men, including Lieutenant Garcia Gutierrez, the Spanish Navy port commander, and Dr. Romero, the Spanish Army Port Health Officer, boarded the Charleston with the intent of showing friendship and welcome to their visitors.
According to the 5 July 1898 edition of the San Francisco Chronicle, the men apologized to Captain Glass for not returning his 'salute' of thirteen shots fired. and told him that, if they could just borrow a little gunpowder, they would return to shore and respectfully reciprocate. They were even nice enough to ask after the crew’s health and try and engage in friendly conversation.
How sad it must have been when Captain Glass informed them of Spain’s defeat at Manila (painting, below), his intention of taking Guam, and that, when they had boarded the ship, they had become prisoners of war.
Glass, in turn, learned that the island was not greatly fortified and the Spanish military presence was merely 54 Spanish soldiers and 54 Chamorros (the indigenous people of Guam) armed with 8mm Mausers and Remington 45-90s. The four cannons peering out from the port were nearly unusable and, besides, didn’t have any gunpowder.
At the end of the exchange, the now beleaguered Spanish officers were allowed to return to the island, with the mission of informing the governor that the United States was at war with Spain and that he must come aboard the Charleston immediately to discuss terms with Captain Glass.
The governor, Juan Marina, responded that, under Spanish military law, he would be unable to come aboard the Charleston, but that he would welcome Captain Glass on the island, with the assurance of the captain’s safety.
The governor was a bit insulted when it was not the captain who came ashore, but an officer, who then informed him that he had thirty minutes to submit his surrender. The governor took exactly twenty-nine minutes and addressed his reply to Captain Glass. He was further miffed when the lieutenant, Lieutenant William Braunersreuther, opened the letter himself, despite the governor’s warning.
The letter said that Governor Marina was reluctant, but had no choice:
“Being without defenses of any kind, and without means to meet the present situation, I am under the sad necessity of being unable to resist such superior forces and regretfully to accede to your demands, at the same time protesting against this act of violence, when I have received no information from my government to the effect that Spain is at war with your nation.”
The forlorn but brave Governor Marina wrote a letter to his wife before he and other officials and soldiers became prisoners of war aboard one of the transport ships.
Captain Glass contemplated his options, but ultimately decided that it wasn’t worth trying to destroy something that was already a ruin; the fort was so neglected that it would be of no use to anyone. Instead, they spent their remaining day getting coal to the ships.
One wonders what Marina and the Spanish soldiers felt when they finally did hear Captain Glass fire a salute to the American flag he had raised at Fort Santa Cruz, to the music of The Star Spangled Banner, just before leaving Guam.
Rico says we should have kept Cuba, but not the Philippines... (Ignoring things like the Moros, have you seen what their president is up to these days?)

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