06 July 2016

Star wars

Slate has an article by Ben Mathis-Lilley about Trump's stupidity:

To catch you up on what happened over the weekend: on Saturday, Donald Trump tweeted an image (above) of Hillary Clinton's face, a pile of money, a six-pointed star, and a caption about how "corrupt" Clinton allegedly is. Many observers immediately pointed out that there is a certain anti-Semitic flavor to the idea of using a six-pointed star (i.e. a Star of David) in the course of suggesting that a politician is influenced by sinister, wealthy puppetmasters. Trump, who has distributed white-supremacist imagery via his Twitter account several times already during his presidential campaign, then deleted the image and began arguing that the star used therein was merely a "sheriff's star" that was appropriate because it connoted "criminals and criminal behavior". Trump's social media director, Dan Scavino Jr., made the same argument in a statement, noting additionally that the image was originally taken from "an anti-Hillary Twitter user."
Here's the problem with that explanation: Mick found that the Twitter user who seems to have originally posted the image had also posted a number of other disturbing neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic, and racist images. (The account appears to have been deleted.) Here's one highlighted by journalist Sarah Kendzior:
So, we have Trump's campaign acknowledging that it took the image from a Twitter user and reposted it without attribution. (The watermark did not appear in Trump's tweet.) We also have evidence of a neo-Nazi Twitter user posting the image under his/her own account name. And yet we're also supposed to believe that the six-pointed star was an allusion to sheriffs rather than Jews. Nope!
Rico says no, this is a sheriff's star:

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