17 June 2016

Trump to offer free guns to every white American

Rico says it's a goof by his old friend Don:
After meeting with representatives from the National Rifle Association, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump promised a vast new government program to protect the country from what he calls “violent evil Islamic terrorists.”
“The fine gentlemen of the NRA convinced me that taking guns away from Americans is not the way to fight terrorism. The way to do it is to arm every white man, woman, and child of American ancestry.”
While vague on details, some speculate Trump’s new policy statement will cut back social programs, such as food stamps, aid to the mentally and physically disabled, school lunch programs, and child welfare. With the saved funds, Trump’s plan will finance a new country-wide government program to finance a handgun and a semi-automatic rifle to every qualified white American citizen.
Critics were quick to jump on the proposal, but a Trump spokesman explained talks with the NRA are ongoing, and we can expect to see additional break-through policy decisions meant to calm public fears of terrorism. For example, many guns remain locked away and seldom used. By organizing local community gun clubs, citizens can show unity against immigrants, Mexicans, the media, and rally against liberals.
“You got a gun in the closet or the glovebox, it’s not doing anybody any good,” said Dupe P. Snodgrass, a Trump campaign worker. “In every mass shooting that violent Islamic terrorists conducted, if everyone was armed, I guarantee you, there will be much more shooting in the future.” 
Copyright 2016 Don Monkerud

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