30 June 2016

Jacket charges devices

Travel & Leisure has an article about an amazing new device:

Imagine traveling and never having to worry about the battery on your phone again, no matter how much you text, tweet, or post photos to Instagram. A new clothing line just might make that possible.
Baubax, the company behind the World’s Best Travel Jacket (that’s the actual name), has announced a clothing line that could revolutionize traveling in the digital age. These clothes and bags will wirelessly charge your phone, smart watch, or bluetooth headset while tucked inside your pocket.
Each of the jackets, shirts, vests, shorts, pants, and wallets in the line comes outfitted with a thin wireless charging pads stitched inside the article of clothing. Simply tuck your phone into the pocket or purse, and your device is charging. So instead of begging a waiter at a local café to charge your phone (and waiting around for an hour while it powers up), you can simply go about your vacation.
With an idea this good, there has to be a catch (and there are a couple): The product doesn’t exist yet. Instead, Baubax has returned to Kickstarter, where they crowdfunded their travel jacket to great success. The jacket garnered more than nine million dollars, and becoming the most-funded article of clothing on Kickstarter yet. Baubax is now trying to replicate that success and raise money for the new line of wireless charging clothes.
Of course, that power has to come from somewhere. The clothing works with battery packs that can be charged on BauBax' charging pads or with a micro USB cable.
So far the campaign has raised about $5,000 of its $100,000 goal. If the project doesn't reach its goal, wirelessly charging your phone while it's tucked in your pocket as you wander the streets of Dallas or Dubai may simply remain a daydream.
Rico says that, without winning the lottery, he probably can't afford one, but he wants one...

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