28 June 2016

ISIS for the day

The Clarion Project has a squib about the latest from ISIS:
An Islamic State-affiliated group called the Caliphate Cyber Army (CCA) released the names, addresses and email addresses of some four thousand people from around the world in a "kill list", according to the International Business Times.
Those marked for death come from countries including the USA, UK, France, Canada, and India. Almost half are reportedly American.
The hackers released the list on the encrypted messaging service Telegram, with the directive: O wolves of the Islamic State, this is a very important list, kill them immediately.
The list appears to be random and seems to have been taken from a business networking platform, according to Vocativ.
Previous kill lists released by the Islamic State, such as that of Western Muslim leaders, some of whom are aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood, have not yet led to killings.
Rico says we gotta start taking these fuckers out...

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