20 May 2016

Nuke 'em

Rico says his friend Kelley, no fan of ISIS, fulminates this:
ISIS seems to make an art form out killing people in new and  horrific ways. Check the article and the unbloggable video in the International Business Times by William Watkinson; I think it's time to break out some tactical nukes and sterilize the area...
The Islamic State (IS) has executed two dozen alleged spies by lowering them into a huge tub of nitric acid until their 'organs dissolved', Iraqi News has claimed; the report could not be independently verified.
The alleged spies were captured in the IS (Daesh) stronghold of Mosul, in northern Iraq, accused of working for the Iraqi government's security forces.Mosul is the largest city in  Iraq still under IS control, but is facing increasing pressure from the north, south, and east by the Iraqi army, Kurdish Peshmerga forces and American-led air strikes. A number of shocking and brutal killings have taken place at the hands of IS as they try to assert their domination over the the city, which Barack Obama had predicted would fall be the end of this year.
According to witnesses of the killings, the alleged 'spies' were tied together with a huge rope and lowered in a basin containing the highly corrosive acid. Nitric acid is generally used for manufacturing ammonium nitrate, which can be used to make fertilizer and explosives, but can also be used for photoengraving, etching steel, and reprocessing spent nuclear fuel.
"ISIS terrorist members executed 25 persons in Mosul on charges of spying and collaborating with Iraqi security forces,' a source told Iraqi News in a statement. "ISIS members tied each person with a rope and lowered him in the tub, which contains nitric acid, till the victim's organs dissolved."
On 18 May, IBTimes UK reported the burning alive of a Christian child who asked her mum to forgive the ISIS militants who torched her home. The courageous child, believed to be around twelve years old, was burned in Mosul after her family were raided by the jihadists for 'jaziya', a religious tax.
Earlier this week, the Defense Department estimated that ISIS fighters had lost control of about forty percent of the territory they once had in Iraq, and roughly ten percent of the land they held in Syria. General Joseph Votel, commander of US Central Command, told reporters this week that "they are looking for ways to regain their momentum or regain the initiative".
Rico says he couldn't agree more; nothing like a few tactical nukes to solve the problem...

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