27 May 2016

'Mass rape' video shocks Brazil

The BBC has an article about really bad male behavior in Brazil:

Brazilian police are hunting more than thirty men suspected of raping a teenage girl in Rio de Janeiro and of putting video of the attack on social media.
The girl, sixteen, believes she was doped after going to her boyfriend's house on Saturday and says she woke up in a different house, surrounded by the men. Arrest warrants have been issued, including one for the boyfriend.
The assault has provoked an online campaign against what campaigners call a culture of rape in Brazil.
Conflicting versions of the story are still coming in, but the rape is said to have taken place in a poor community (photo) in western Rio over the weekend.
According to a statement she gave to police, she woke up on Sunday, naked and wounded, and made her way home. Only days later did she find out that some of the alleged rapists had put images of the attack on Twitter.
A forty-second-video was widely shared and followed by a wave of misogynistic comments, before the users' accounts were suspended.
In a message posted on Facebook, the victim said she was thankful for the support and added: "I really thought I was going to be badly judged." She later said: "All of us can go through this one day. It does not hurt the uterus but the soul, because there are cruel people not being punished!! Thanks for the support."
The girl's grandmother told Brazilian media the family watched the video and cried.
"I regretted watching it. When we heard the story we didn't believe what was happening. It's a great affliction. It's a depressing situation," she told Folha de S.Paulo newspaper.
"She is not well. She is very confused. This was very serious."
The attack has shocked Brazil, says the BBC's Julia Carneiro, and campaign groups have been already been calling for protests over the coming days.
There has also been an outpouring of anger on social media, under the hashtag #EstuproNuncaMais (Portuguese for Rape never again).
A collective of journalists posted a satirical image of citizens donning devil's horns, condemning a rape victim for having provoked the attack. The inscription reads "No to sexism", and the images, clockwise from top right: "But look at her clothes…", "She deserved it!", "Sixteen years old and already has a son…", "Apparently she was on drugs".
The United Nations group UN Women issued a statement calling for authorities to investigate the case, but to respect the victim and not victimize her once more by invading her privacy.
Experts say many cases of rape in Brazil go unreported as victims fear retaliation, shame, and blame for the violence they have suffered. 
Rape in Brazil:47,636 rapes were reported to the police in 2014, but it is estimated only about a third of rape cases are reported.
Rape of an adult is punishable by a prison sentence of between six to ten years
Sentence for rape of a minor is eight to twelve years in prison
Media under fire by Fran Hunter of the BBC:
Brazilian media has come under sharp criticism for their slow reaction to the incident, which was picked up only after news of the video had circulated on social networks.
Beyond that, the shocking incident has sparked an online debate on the "normalization" of rape in Brazil, and a tendency to blame victims for their suffering, with the hashtag #EstuproNaoECulpaDaVitima (Portuguese for Rape is Not the Victim's Fault) trending prominently.
The debate largely stems from initial comments on the video, which included "she was drunk" and "she was wearing a short skirt".
The media have also been accused of victim-blaming. One of the first articles on the story by media giant O Globo gave prominence to the girl's background and the fact that she was known to be a drug-user.
Brazilian-Mexican actress Giselle Itie was one of thousands to speak out about victim-blaming: "The blame is on the media, who sexualize women in all their products," she said. "The blame is on the newspaper that makes light of the many rapes that happen. Drunk, drugged, wearing a short skirt, naked, it doesn't matter. It is never the victim's fault."
Rico says he hopes they still have medieval punishments, for this one as well:

Two men in Brazil have been sentenced to 49 years in jail each for kidnapping and repeatedly raping an American woman on a minibus in Rio de Janeiro.
Driver Jonathan Froudakis de Souza and conductor Walace Aparecido de Souza Silva, (photo) were sentenced for robbery, extortion, and rape.
They abducted the American woman after she boarded the bus in the Copacabana area of Rio de Janeiro in March of 2016. She was raped in front of her boyfriend, a French citizen. Another gang member was given twenty-one years, and a fourteen-year-old boy is yet to be tried.
The incident raised security concerns ahead of next year's World Cup and the 2016 Olympics, which the city will host.
Judge Guilherme Schilling Pollo Duarte in Rio de Janeiro said the gang had been operating in the area for months, targeting mainly foreign tourists. The woman was "humiliated, suffering brutally at the hands of her kidnappers, in an act that caused repulsion and indignation", said the judge.
The American woman and her boyfriend had boarded the minibus late on 30 March 2016. The vehicle was going to Lapa, a popular nightlife spot in the old city center.
A few minutes later, the gang robbed six other passengers who were on the minibus and forced them to get off.
But they ordered the American woman, who had been living in Rio, and her boyfriend to stay. He was handcuffed and beaten and had his nose broken.
The driver, the conductor, and another gang member took turns raping her while the minibus was driven around the city. "It is difficult to believe that all such acts were perpetrated by human beings," said Judge Duarte.
The couple were dumped in the nearby city of Itaborai after being forced to use their credit cards to buy goods and withdraw money from cash machines.
The gang member sentenced to twenty-one years was Carlos Armando Costa dos Santos.
The fourteen-year-old cannot be named for legal reasons. He has been accused of rape and robbery.
After the incident hit the headlines in late March, other women recognized the gang members and said they had been the victims of similar attacks.
Rico says that 'all such acts' were not perpetrated by human beings, at least in Rico's definition...

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