02 May 2016

Marriage counseling for disgruntled wives

The Clarion Project has an article about trouble in Syria:

The Islamic State is now offering marriage counseling to its jihadi brides, disgruntled over the lack of creature comforts in Raq'qa, Syria, the capital of the terror group’s self-declared caliphate. The wives have threatened to flee.
Coalition airstrikes have taken their toll on Raq'qa, creating food, water, and power shortages. “At least before, we had electricity, we could bake and cook. Our basic needs were met. Now we are back to ancient times,” said one burqa-clad wife, who agreed to be filmed in secret by the dissident site Open Your Eyes.
Another wife added, ““There’s no electricity, no drinking water. There are no services.”
A third concurred: “Even the drinking water is contaminated. It smells bad.”
For foreign wives, especially ones from Western countries, the conditions are proving to be too much. Food must often be cooked on a wood-burning or charcoal stove. Residents report the water is so contaminated, it is causing diarrhea and stomach cramps in children.
In an  attempt to prevent jihadi wives from fleeing, the Islamic State opened a marriage-guidance center in Raq'qa. Pictures released from the terror organization show a jihadi bride coming in for counseling. Next to her sits a box of tissues, ostensibly to wipe her tears.
Rico says it'll alway be the women tire of this shit first...

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