20 April 2016

Idiots going into danger

GuiltyFix has an article about four idiots exploring an abandoned missile silo for the Titan 1, capable of delivering a nuclear payload anywhere in the world, making it a critical part of the early Cold War.

The place is not exactly inviting. Still, they decided to go in:

Inside the main entrance:

Ignoring common sense, they decide to continue. They head down the right side tunnel. This is so creepy:

Then they reach the first chamber:

Sections of the walkway had fallen apart or were missing grates, an accident waiting to happen:


They keep going down, further into the silo:

Almost anyone else would have turned around at this point, but they kept going. If their flashlights went out, they would be in complete darkness.
This eerie figure was painted in multiple places throughout the silo:

It’s hard to imagine who would go down there to paint in pitch blackness:

Below these walkways was floodwater about twenty feet deep:

The deeper they went, the more terrifying it got. It’s unclear how they could bring themselves to keep going, but they did. Finally, there was light at the end of tunnel. It was about fifty feet to the surface, and they decided to make their escape:

Rico says that these idiots went into a dark and scary place, got frightened by stupid graffiti, and made their way back (unfortunately) to reality...

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