29 April 2016

Up-to-the-minute homosexual news

Rico's friend Kelley forwards this:

...and not to belabor the point (well, not to belabor it too harshly), Yahoo just ran an article entitled "Would you make this girl use the men's room?" Turns out, it's a sixteen-year-old boy who has identified as a girl almost from the beginning. I rarely contribute to the comments following web articles, but, in this case, I made an exception:

"In the first place, that's not a girl, despite the verisimilitude. That being said, I agree that he would be ill-served by having to use the men's room. But one single case does not defeat the notion that there's no place for men in women's restrooms. I agree that the guys who become trans are not predatory, but it's an invitation for a predator-in-a-dress to slip in under the radar. A disaster in the making, and then everyone will gasp and say "Oh! How could that have happened?", but that will be cold comfort for the women who got raped or killed. There are certain things that one simply cannot not do. Regardless of how one feels about self-determination, and sexual freedom, it remains illegal to sell drugs or operate a whorehouse, and should remain so. There are social norms evolved over centuries that continue to serve us well, and should not be jettisoned because a few middle-aged men would feel better about themselves if they could pee beside the women."

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