08 January 2016

Paris, again

Rico says the City of Lights is becoming the City of Wackos with Explosives:

The New York Times has an article by Aurelien Breeden and Anna Polonyi about it:
French police officers fatally shot a man who was wielding a cleaver and yelling Allahu akbar as he tried to attack a police station in northern Paris on Thursday, setting off alarms as France marked the one-year anniversary of the terrorist attack on the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.
The man arrived in front of the police station on the Rue de la Goutte-d’Or at 1130 with a meat cleaver, wearing what turned out to be a fake explosives belt. He then brandished the knife and yelled Allahu akbar, Arabic for God is great, before police officers opened fire. Witnesses said the officers had ordered the man several times to stop and step back before shooting him.
The office of the Paris prosecutor, François Molins, confirmed that the assailant’s fingerprints matched those of a man who was convicted of theft in southern France in 2013. The man told the police at the time that he was named Sallah Ali, that he was born in Casablanca, Morocco, in 1995, and that he was homeless, the prosecutor’s office said.
Thursday’s attack prompted the temporary closing of schools, shops, and streets. The man’s body lay on the sidewalk outside the police station for more than an hour and twenty minutes, covered with a white cloth. A robot was deployed, and after that, two dogs, and then an investigator wearing heavy gear inspected the man’s jacket before determining that it was a fake suicide vest.
Investigators found a cellphone on the man, a piece of paper with the flag of the Islamic State on it, and an “unequivocal handwritten claim of responsibility” in Arabic, according to Molins’ office, which said it was investigating the attack as an attempted terrorist assassination of someone in a position of public authority. The police are also investigating whether Ali had any real ties to the Islamic State.
Molins did not detail the content of the handwritten claim, but French news media reported that the man had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State and had written that he was avenging French “attacks in Syria”.
Justice Minister Christiane Taubira, speaking on the i-Télé news channel on Thursday evening, said that investigators still needed to clarify whether the attacker was radicalized or if he was mentally unstable.“A fake explosives belt, the cries, the  allegiance in his pocket, these are signs that could link him to a network, but at the same time these could be the signs of someone unbalanced,” Taubira said. “The investigation will clarify all of this.” She added that there was an “extremely heavy climate” in France that might push people with “psychological weaknesses” to act in similar ways.
The police station is in the 18th Arrondissement, a multicultural district that has a large immigrant population, but that is also rapidly gentrifying.
Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve visited the station after the attack and praised the “great courage” of the police.
The episode occurred a year after gunmen carried out attacks in and near Paris, including on Charlie Hebdo and on a kosher supermarket, killing seventeen people. The assault also comes less than two months after the 13 November 2015 terrorist attacks here, which left over a hundred dead.
Most of the participants in the 13 November attacks wore explosives vests, six of which were detonated that night: three at the national soccer stadium north of Paris, two at the Bataclan concert hall, and one at a restaurant in central Paris.
In addition, a man who died in a police raid on 18 November in a raid on a hide-out in the northern Paris suburb of St.-Denis who has not yet been identified, but who investigators say they believe took part in the attacks al,so detonated a suicide vest.
The attack on Thursday occurred a little over an hour after President François Hollande concluded a speech to forces at the Paris police department, during which he warned that terrorism was still threatening the country. Hollande thanked the police and security forces and paid tribute to the three officers who were killed in the attacks last January. “We will never forget them,” he said. “They died so that we may live free.” Hollande added that, over the past year, nearly two hundred people had been barred from leaving France on suspicion of seeking to join terrorist groups in Syria or Iraq, and that over fifty foreigners had been barred from entering the country. He also urged the security and intelligence services in France to do better at cooperating with each other. “Faced with these kinds of adversaries, it is crucial that each department work in perfect coordination, in the greatest transparency, and that they share all the information that they have,” Hollande said.

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