22 January 2016

Palin by Colbert

The Washington Post has an article by Aaron Blake about a spoof by Stephen Colbert:
Sarah Palin's speaking style is, well, unique. It's full of folksy buzzwords, oftentimes meandering and hard-to-understand, and occasionally nonsensical. Call it Palin-glish, or Palin-ese.
We had some fun with her endorsement of Donald Trump on Wednesday morning and, by Wednesday night, Stephen Colbert did the same. On the Late Show, Colbert first thanked his lucky stars Palin was back on the scene, labeling her (as a joke) the Material Girl, and then delivering his own rendition of a Palin endorsement speech, complete with the unique style mentioned above (this part starts at about the four-minute mark).
And it worked.
Rico says that Colbert is a genius, but Rico's just as happy that Palin's the target, not Rico...

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