25 January 2016

British foil terror plot

The Clarion Project has an article about the Brits, foiling a plot:
A suspected terrorist plot to bomb British cities was foiled by British spies, according to The Sun. The RAF intercepted coded messages between pilots flying from Amsterdam, Holland to an unnamed Middle Eastern country. The code, which referenced pop music, was then decoded by British spies at GCHQ, who believe the pilots were trying to smuggle in explosives or chemical weapons. The plotters used the emergency frequency to discuss their plans.
Attacks in London, Bath, Bristol, and Ipswich were allegedly planned for November of 2015 after the attacks in Paris, France.
A Ministry of Defense spokesman said the government would not comment on issues of national security. The GCHQ is a British intelligence and security organization responsible for providing signals intelligence and information assurance to the British government and its armed forces.
Rico says that the GCHQ building (photo, above) looks a lot like the new Apple headquarters (photo, below):

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