22 December 2015

Trump mocks Clinton

The BBC has an article about Trump's latest:
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump mocked Hillary Clinton for apparently taking a toilet break during a televised Democratic debate.
"I know where she went. It's disgusting," he said to supporters at a rally in Michigan (photo).
The former secretary of state returned to the stage late after a break during the debate with her party rivals for the Presidential nomination.
Trump also said Clinton had been "schlonged" by Barack Obama in 2008. Using a vulgar Yiddish term that means a man's penis, he was referring to Clinton's defeat to the then-Senator in the primary contests that year. "Even her race to Obama. She was going to beat Obama. I don't know who'd be worse. I don't know. How does it get worse? She was favored to win and she got schlonged, she lost."
Clinton's spokeswoman, Jennifer Palmieri, tweeted that: "We are not responding to Trump, but everyone who understands the humiliation this degrading language inflicts on all women should."
It is not the first time Trump has referred to women in a controversial way. In August of 2015, he implied that he received tough questions from Fox News debate host Megyn Kelly because she was menstruating, and previously described comedian Rosie O'Donnell as a "fat pig".
Clinton and Trump have been feuding in recent days over her claims that Islamic State militants were using Trump as a recruiting tool. He has called for Muslims to be banned from entering the US, in light of a deadly terror attack in California carried out by a radicalized Muslim couple.
Trump, a billionaire property tycoon with no political experience, leads the polls nationally among Republican voters, and is also ahead in some key states.
The primary contests begin in February of 2016 and the presidential election is in November of 2016.
Rico says hey, even The Donald's gotta take a shit once in awhile, unless he hires someone to do it for him... (And maybe Hillary was just refreshing her makeup.)

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