28 December 2015

ISIS doesn't fear us, alas

AlanBWest.com has an article by Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor:
A German journalist who recently who spent ten days with the Islamic State just revealed who the terrorist group fears and who it doesn’t.
I’m sure you can all guess that, sadly, the United States comes out on the “doesn’t scare us” list. No surprise there, given the past seven years under President Barack Obama.
The one country ISIS does fear? Israel.
“They told me they know the Israeli army is too strong for them” journalist (and former member of the German parliament) Jurgen Todenhofer told the UK’s Jewish News.
“They are not scared of the British and the Americans,” Todenhofer said. “They are scared of the Israelis, and told me the Israeli army is the real danger.” He added that Israel Defense Forces can fight a guerrilla war.
The journalist said that the Islamist militants told him they hope to lure Western forces into Iraq and Syria where they could then kidnap American and British soldiers.
“They think they can defeat US and UK ground troops, who they say they have no experience in city guerrilla or terrorist strategies,” Todenhofer said. “But they know the Israelis are very tough as far as fighting against guerrillas and terrorists.”
Todenhofer told Jewish News that the Islamic State was “preparing the largest religious cleansing in history” and that, while they are prepared to accept Christian and Jewish citizens in exchange for the payment of a jizya tax, the fate for Shi’ite Muslims is death.
“They kill all the Shia they can get their hands on,” he said. “I asked them if they were prepared to kill every Shia, and they scoffed: ‘150 million or 500 million, we don’t care, it’s only a technical problem for us. We are ready to do that.’”
The journalist said he spent six months cultivating jihadist contacts online in order to ensure he was protected once entering Islamic State territory. He spent ten days with leading members of the Islamist group, including spokesmen, judges and fighters.
President Barack Obama has seemingly bent over backwards to weaken our military, cutting troops and focusing on his own “social equality” agenda for both LGBT and women. He has not just refused to take more concerted action to root out radical Islam, both in our ranks and abroad, but has even actively stymied efforts to protect against it. And he continues to insist on moving forward with opening the doors to large waves of Muslim immigrants — playing right into the hands of the Islamic doctrine of al-Hijra, the openly stated doctrine of using immigration as a jihad tactic. And, of course, Obama’s own administration has created a chilling effect warding off anyone who might speak up about suspicious activity at the hands of Muslims, as we saw surrounding the San Bernardino, California attacks, which might had been prevented had one of these bystanders not been afraid to speak up for fear of being labeled Islamophobic.
Meanwhile, while he seems to have stepped out of the way of radical Islam’s growth and expansion, even putting out the welcome mat for them to come here to the US. President Obama has distanced us from the country ISIS does fear, who should be one of our closest allies in this critical fight.
Yeah, you just have to wonder, is Obama just plain weak and crazy with his approach to fighting ISIS, or just crazy like a fox?
Rico says the Israelis will not fight our battles for us...

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