23 November 2015

Bombs in dolls

The Clarion Project has an article about yet more bad behavior by ISIS:
Islamic State Hides Bombs in Children's Dolls
The Islamic State has booby trapped children’s dolls with explosives, aiming to carry out an attack against the Shi'ite pilgrimage festival of ArbaeenSome twenty million Shi'ites travel to Karbala annually for the festival. Iraqi police seized eighteen such dolls, which were to have been scattered on the road to Karbala from Baghdad during the festival; they were instead confiscated and destroyed. 
Ten people were killed in a suicide bombing in Baghdad on Friday in a Shi'ite mosque. Although no group immediately claimed responsibility, suspicion has fallen on the Islamic State, which has carried out many other attacks on Shi'ite Iraqis in the past. 
Rico says ain't religious wars fun?

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