18 October 2015

Smart grenade launcher

The BBC has an article by Leo Kelion about a new weapon:
A computerized weapon designed to attack enemies protected by walls or otherwise sheltered is set to be tested by the Army early next year.
The XM25 "smart grenade launcher" (photo) lets combatants set its ammunition to explode when it reaches a set distance. It means a grenade can be set to go off just after it passes through a window or is just over the target's head, without having struck an object. One expert called it "revolutionary" but warned there were risks involved.
An earlier prototype was tested in Afghanistan but was withdrawn from use in 2013 after a flaw caused a soldier to be injured during a training exercise.
The XM25's developer, Virginia-based Orbital ATK, revealed in an interview with the Defense News website that the Army planned to carry out new "qualification tests" in the spring. An built-in computer makes use of laser-generated data to inform gunners how to adjust their aim.
"It provides combat overmatch," said spokesman Jarrod Krull, who added the weapon could be in use by early 2017.
The shoulder-fired machine uses a laser rangefinder to help its user determine the distance to their target, and then tells them how to adjust their aim to take into account the force of gravity.
The settings can be altered, so, for example, if a window is measured to be 200 meters away, the grenade can be set to explode after 201 to travel just past the wall for maximum effect.
Each of the five grenade rounds contained in a clip can be programmed to detonate at a specific distance, which they measure as they speed towards their target.
Orbital ATK says the weapon can be used to "precisely" kill hidden enemies up to five hundred meters away, or hit them with a powerful air-burst from up to seven hundred meters.
"When it was combat-trialled in Afghanistan, it was reportedly incredibly effective," Justin Bronk, from the defense think tank I, told the BBC. "It's extremely useful in fairly open areas with longer ranges where there tends to be fairly hard cover in abundance: ditches, thick walls or irrigation dykes. The ability to destroy targets behind cover easily and without having to wait for other fire assault is hugely useful, added to the fact that it is man-portable and usable by the average soldier."
The weapon has been in development since the 1990s and was originally scheduled to be widely deployed by August of 2015.
Soldiers who tested in Afghanistan dubbed it "the Punisher", and an army press release from the time said the Pentagon expected to spend $35,000  per weapon, with each round costing a further $55.
But the launcher was withdrawn from service in April of 2013 after a grenade primer ignited in one of twelve test units being used at the time. Two grenades had accidentally been fed into the firing mechanism at the same time.
Although a safety mechanism prevented the grenade's warhead from exploding, the gunner testing the weapon received "minor" injuries.
Orbital ATK now believes the problem has been addressed.
"Apparently the other reliability rates were very good, despite Afghanistan's dusty conditions," said Bronk. But he added the launcher would still be ill-suited for many other environments. "It would be of questionable value in urban situations where you are trying to do room clearing and there might be lots of civilians involved," he said.
"It is by nature quite indiscriminate; you can't see behind the cover of what you are trying to shoot behind. Yes, you can shoot the grenades behind windows, for example, but you'd have to be very, very sure that there was no one else in the room."
Rico says he'd have one of those...

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