30 October 2015

Russian planes flyby US carrier

Jim Miklaszewski and Alexey Eremenko have a Time article about Russians harassing our carriers:
Two Russian warplanes edged near the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier in the sea of Japan this week, forcing the Navy to send up fighter jets in response, military officials said recently.
The American aircraft carrier was in international waters east of the Korean peninsula in a joint exercise with South Korean naval forces.
See the rest of the story from our partners at NBC News:

The pair of Russian Bear bombers had failed to respond to radio calls as they advanced toward the USS Ronald Reagan, and four F/A-18 Super Hornets were deployed, Navy officials said. Once under American escort, the Russian bombers skimmed the water at an altitude of five hundred feet and came within a nautical mile of the aircraft carrier.
Navy officials said such encounters in that region are not unprecedented, and the intercept and interaction were considered "safe".
Russia has routinely tried to test international boundaries over the past few years by sending warplanes near other countries' airspace or violating their airspace altogether.
On 4 July 2015, the Russians sent planes near Alaska and California, coming close to US airspace without entering it.
In addition, some warplanes were sent to circle Navy ships in the Black Sea during Russia's takeover of the Crimea. US officials have labeled these as "provocative actions".
Rico says they really do not want to fuck with our Navy...

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