05 October 2015

Hillary for the day

Maggie Haberman has an article in The New York Times about Clinton's latest:
On the heels of the nation’s latest mass shooting, Hillary Rodham Clinton (photo) will issue proposals to curb gun violence, including holding out the potential of using executive actions.
Clinton, a Democrat, will announce the new proposals in separate town-hall-style events in New Hampshire, a state with a Democratic senator who has voted for some gun-control measures, but where there is a thriving gun and hunting culture.
The proposals will come just days after Clinton said she wanted to lead a “national movement” to counter the National Rifle Association, after another mass shooting, this time at a college in Oregon, left nine people dead. Clinton has made gun control a constant in her campaign speeches since the Charleston, South Carolina shootings in which nine black congregants were killed.
The proposal most likely to generate controversy is using executive action to close the so-called gun show loophole, if efforts to pass new measures in Congress do not succeed, according to a campaign aide to Clinton, who asked for anonymity to lay out the plans before the candidate does.
Most of the ideas would face a steep battle with the Republican-led Congress, and efforts to pass new gun restrictions in the wake of the murders of twenty schoolchildren and six adults in Newtown, Connecticut in December of 2012 failed in the Democratic-controlled Senate. Since then, there have been a number of mass shootings, including the most recent, at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon last week. But her proposals are in sharp contrast to the Republican presidential hopefuls, and she is making them as her main rival in the primary polls, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, has gained ground against her, but has also come under scrutiny among Democrats for some gun control policies he has opposed in the past.
A central issue in Clinton’s proposals are the background checks on prospective gun buyers, which are required for retailers at stores. But under Federal law, they are not required at gun shows or over the Internet with private sellers.
Under Clinton’s plan, she would use administrative powers to make anyone selling a substantial number of guns declared “in the business” of firearms dealing, and subject to the same rules as retailers, if Congress does not act, according to the campaign aide.
It was not immediately clear what the bar for being declared “in the business” would be. And use of executive action in connection with guns is certain to face criticism from staunch supporters of the Second Amendment. It is also likely to be applauded by Democrats who have grown weary of gridlock in Congress.
Earlier in the evening, another Democratic candidate, Martin O’Malley, urged Clinton and Sanders to embrace policies he supports, including a reinstatement of the lapsed Federal assault weapons ban. That does not appear to be among those she will suggest.
Clinton will suggest urging Congress to end another loophole, by which people with felony records who should be barred from obtaining a gun can get one if their background check is not completed within three days. That loophole was how Dylann Roof, the accused killer in Charleston, obtained his weapon, despite a felony conviction for a drug arrest.
Since the Charleston shooting, Clinton has frequently talked about gun control, but her comments have grown stronger. On Friday, a day after the shootings in Oregon, Clinton said she wanted to lead a “national movement” that would counter the National Rifle Association.
“Here’s what the other side counts on,” Clinton said. “They count on really having an intense, dedicated group that scares politicians and says: ‘We will vote against you.’”
Rico says he may start referring to these notions as 'Hillarious'... But the NRA, en masse, will definitely vote against her...

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