29 October 2015

Kidnapped and forcibly converted

The Clarion Project has an article about yet another Islamic outrage:
In a sad but typical story in Pakistan, a Christian girl about to be married was kidnapped, forcibly converted to Islam, and married to a Muslim man.
Nabil Bibi (photo) and Sajid Masih from Changa Manga, Pakistan, a small town close to Lahore, had planned to marry in November of 2015 after a year-long engagement. Less than a month before the wedding, Bibi was abducted by a Muslim man named Allah Rakha. After a long search for her to no avail, Bibi’s fiance, her father, and other family members lodged a complaint with the police. One month later, the police had reportedly failed to act on the complaint.
Two weeks ago, a number of men showed up at Bibi’s father’s house and presented him papers documenting Bibi’s conversion and her marriage to Rakha. Able to locate the address of Rakha’s house, Bibi’s fiance, her father, and two cousins went to Rakha’s house and asked to meet with Bibi. Their request was flatly refused.
After insisting on a meeting with Bibi, the small group of Christians were surrounded by close to twenty Muslim men, who held them captive. They were released in the morning with a severe warning never to try to see Bibi again.
Masih, whose life is now in danger, has since gone into hiding. As documented by the Pakistani Christian Post: “In such issues, the victim’s family usually registers a FIR [First Information Report] for abduction or rape with the local police station. The rapist, on behalf of the victim girl, registers a counter FIR, accusing the Christian family of harassing the willfully converted and married woman and for forcing the conversion of the woman back to Christianity. Sometimes, it becomes a danger to life if the Christian family takes legal action against the Muslim man.
“In most cases, the victim girl may be subjected to sexual violence, rape, forced prostitution, human trafficking and sale, or other domestic abuse, or discarded from the home after some time has passed."
Rico says so much for the religion of peace... (Sounds like a good excuse for a feud, though.)

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