21 September 2015

Cossacks of the Ukraine

The BBC has an article about the Cossacks:
For hundreds of years, a tiny island in the Dnieper River provided sanctuary to a legendary group of warriors: the Ukraine's Zaporozhian Cossacks.
The men moved to Khortytsia in the fifteenth century in search of freedom and democracy, as Andriy Kravets from the BBC's Ukrainian service reports.
Rico says it reminds him of the splendid movie Taras Bulba, with Yul Brynner as the leader of the Zaparoshti Cossacks:
The Cossacks of Eastern Europe join the Poles to rid the Turks from the steppes of Europe. In return for their aid, the Poles agree to give control of the steppes to the Cossacks. After the battle, however, the Poles back out of their agreement and force the Cossacks into the hills. Taras Bulba, a Cossack Colonel, raises his son, Andrei Bulba to learn the ways of the Poles so he can one day defeat them in battle. In his learning process, however, Andrei falls in love with the daughter of a Polish nobleman. This twist causes Andrei Bulba to choose between his love of the Cossacks and the love of a woman, and causes Taras Bulba to choose between the love of his son and his love of the Cossacks.

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