05 September 2015

History for the day: 1836

History.com has this:

On 5 September 1836, Sam Houston (painting) was elected as president of the Republic of Texas, which had earned its independence from Mexico in a successful military rebellion.
Born in Virginia in 1793, Houston moved with his family to rural Tennessee after his father’s death; as a teenager, he ran away and lived for several years with the Cherokee tribe. Houston served in the War of 1812 and was later appointed by the US government to manage the removal of the Cherokee from Tennessee to a reservation in the then-Arkansas Territory. He practiced law in Nashville, Tennessee and, from 1823 to1827, served as a congressman before being elected governor of Tennessee in 1827.
A brief, failed marriage led Houston to resign from office and live again with the Cherokee. Officially adopted by the tribe, he traveled to Washington to protest governmental treatment of Native Americans. In 1832, President Andrew Jackson sent him to Texas (then a Mexican province) to negotiate treaties with local Native Americans for protection of border traders. Houston arrived in Texas during a time of rising tensions between American settlers and Mexican authorities, and soon emerged as a leader among the settlers. In 1835, Texans formed a provisional government, which issued a declaration of independence from Mexico the following year. At that time, Houston was appointed military commander of the Texian army.
Though the rebellion suffered a crushing blow at the Alamo in early 1836, Houston was soon able to turn his army’s fortunes around. On 21 April, he led some eight hundred Texans in a surprise defeat of fifteen hundred Mexican soldiers under General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna at the San Jacinto River. Santa Anna was captured and brought to Houston, where he was forced to sign an armistice that would grant Texas its freedom. After receiving medical treatment for his war wounds in New Orleans, Louisiana, Houston returned to win election as president of the Republic of Texas on 5 September. In victory, Houston declared that “Texas will again lift its head and stand among the nations… It ought to do so, for no country upon the globe can compare with it in natural advantages.”
Houston served as the republic’s president until 1838, then again from 1841 to 1844. Despite plans for retirement, Houston helped Texas win admission to the United States in 1845, and was elected as one of the state’s first two senators. He served three terms in the Senate and ran successfully for Texas’ governorship in 1859. As the Civil War loomed, Houston argued unsuccessfully against secession, and was deposed from office in March of 1861 after refusing to swear allegiance to the Confederacy. He died of pneumonia in 1863.

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