16 September 2015

Apple for the day

Alex Fitzpatrick has a Time article about the latest from Apple:
Apple’s newest iPhone software upgrade, iOS 9, is out. Here’s what you need to know: 
How do I get it?
Your iPhone may prompt you to do a software upgrade sometime Wednesday. But, to take matters into your own hands, open the Settings app, head over to General, then Software Update. When iOS 9 is available, you’ll be able to hit Download and Install.
A couple of protips here. First, back up your iPhone to your computer or to iCloud first, just in case something goes wrong with the update. Second, you’ll want to download the update over a strong wi-fi connection. If your iPhone is running low on storage space, try downloading the app to your computer and updating via iTunes.
What does it have?
’s new iOS 9 is all about making your iPhone smarter. With the software installed, your iPhone will start to learn your daily routine, suggesting apps and offering up information it thinks you might need at the right time. For instance, if you tend to crack open a weather app right when you wake up every morning to see what you should wear to the office, your iPhone will start making that app easier to get to in the morning hours.
Another nice benefit: if you’ve got an event with an address in your calendar, your iPhone will nudge you when it thinks you should leave your current location based on road conditions and traffic.
Is that it?
Nope. Siri’s getting smarter, too. If you ask her to “show me pictures I took at Zion National Park last year,” it’ll do the job just fine. And if you’ve got an important message, you can ask Siri a general request, like “remind me about this later”, and it’ll figure out what you mean by “this”.
Oh, and iOS 9 brings a big update for iPads, too, letting you more easily multitask across multiple apps at the same time.
Cool. Any new apps?
Yup. The biggie is News, the company’s new news-reading app. It’s got content from a bunch of different sources (Time included!) and learns what you like to read about over time.
What about performance? My battery life stinks!
Then you’ll love iOS 9. Apple focused on optimization with iOS 9, and it’s packed with little tricks designed to squeeze the most out of your iPhone’s battery. A new low-power mode, for instance, shuts down a bunch of battery-draining, non-essential features if you’re in a pinch. It’s like Captain Kirk ordering the Enterprise into auxiliary power.
Will it work on my iPhone?Probably. Apple says iOS 9 will run on any iPhone that’s a 4s model or newer, which yours most likely is. And unlike previous big updates, it’s optimized to run well on older phones.
Rico says he'll try it...

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