26 August 2015

Trump for the day

Elliot Hannon has a Slatest article about The Donald:
During a press conference in Iowa recently, Donald Trump and Univision anchor Jorge Ramos got into a standoff that resulted in Trump telling the Hispanic reporter to “go back to Univision” before Ramos was thrown out of the press conference by a security guard.
Ramos tried to ask a question without being called on, to which Trump responded: “Excuse me, sit down. You weren’t called.” Ramos responded: “I have a right to ask a question.” “No, you don’t,” Trump said. Trump gives a look to his left, says "go ahead," and a security guard steps in and escorts Ramos out of the room. “He’s obviously a very emotional person,” Trump said of Ramos in response to another reporter’s question.
Ramos was later able to return and Trump called on him to ask a question. “Good to have you back,” Trump said before Ramos began a series of questions about immigration.
Ramos’ ejection from the press conference, which the Trump people quickly thought better of, continues a feud that erupted following Trump's disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants during his campaign announcement speech. The Spanish-language Univision, like a handful of other companies, began severing ties with Trump-affiliated businesses in response. Trump continues to boast about the half-billion-dollar lawsuit he says he filed against the company.
Rico says that Trump continues to outdo himself...

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