30 August 2015

Toys for bad boys

The Clarion Project has an article about the latest ISIS weapon:
The Islamic State has deployed remote-controlled toy cars (photo) equipped with bombs to attack Kurdish forces.
The children’s remote controlled cars are reportedly shipped from Turkey, and were reported by Kurdish forces after one failed to detonate.
The tactic may have been inspired by the computer game Call of Duty, in which attacking with remote controlled cars is one of the options.
“It is just another example of ISIS thugs thinking that they are in a video game," a British fighter for the Kurds told The Daily Star. “They sit around dreaming of new ways to kill people.”
In July of 2015, pictures of chickens reportedly used as suicide bombers by the Islamic State surfaced on social media.  
Rico says the mini-car-bombs are nasty, but at least it spares the chickens...

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