05 August 2015

MH370 wreckage confirmed

The Slatest has an article by Ben Mathis-Lilley about the wreckage:
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak announced that experts have "confirmed" that the Boeing 777 part found on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean is wreckage from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370; a French official called the belief that the debris is from MH370 a "strong supposition" and said that further analysis will be performed. Reunion Island is a French possession, and the debris had been sent to a lab near Toulouse, France for analysis.
MH370 disappeared on 8 March 2014, and is thought to have crashed in the Indian Ocean somewhere west of Australia, but a large-scale search in that area has to this date not found any remnants of the plane. Reunion Island is roughly three thousand miles from the search area, but it is believed that "wind, waves, and ocean currents" could have washed the recently discovered debris from one location to the other.
The cause of the crash is still unknown, and there is no evidence that the plane was brought down intentionally.
Rico says this'll be interesting...

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