27 July 2015

Spaniard paid 50,000 Euros to kill lion

Tanya Basu has a Time article about stupid behavior by a rich human:
Cecil (video, above), one of Africa's most famous lions, was brutally murdered and beheaded in Zimbabwe's Hwange National Park earlier this month
Authorities are chasing a Spaniard who allegedly paid a park ranger fifty thousand euros to viciously kill and skin the lion.
One of Africa’s most famous lions, Cecil was murdered in an especially brutal manner, The Guardian reports. The thirteen-year-old lion had a GPS collar for an Oxford University research project, allowing authorities to track its movements.
Hunters lured the lion into leaving the park, a technique used by poachers to “legally” kill protected animals. The lion was shot with a bow and arrow. Authorities then tracked the injured animal for forty hours before hunters shot Cecil to death with a rifle, then skinned and beheaded him. Cecil’s headless body was found outside the town of Hwange.
Cecil’s death is a tragedy, not only because he was a symbol of Zimbabwe, but because now we have to give up for dead his six cubs, as a new male won’t allow them to live so as to encourage Cecil’s three females to mate,” Johnny Rodrigues, head of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force, said. “The two people who accompanied the hunter have been arrested but we haven’t yet tracked down the hunter, who is Spanish.”
Spain has a long history of importing lion heads as trophies from Africa. “From 2007 to 2012, Spain was the country that imported the most lion trophies from South Africa,” said Luis Muñoz, a spokesman for the Spanish anti-lion poaching and conservation group, Chelui4lions. “During this period, it imported over four hundred heads, compared to a hundred in Germany. Europe needs to ban these lion hunting trophies altogether.”
The Zimbabwe Professional Hunters and Guides Association has acknowledged the involvement of its members, but claims the lion was shot on a private safari and outside park borders. The country’s government has repeatedly rebuked this claim, noting Cecil lived within reserve borders and was protected.
Rico says the solution is obvious: public beheading (on national television, please; renting an Iranian to do it should be cheap) once they catch this idiot...

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