28 July 2015

A dentist?

The Slatest has an article by Ben Mathis-Lilley about the lion killer:
The Telegraph reports that the well-known Zimbabwe lion which died earlier in July under potentially unlawful circumstances was killed by a Minnesota dentist and prominent bow-and-arrow hunter named Walter Palmer. Palmer was assisted by a professional hunter named Theo Bronkhorst, who reported the incident to authorities, The Telegraph writes, and Bronkhorst is scheduled to appear in court on 6 August 2015 alongside the owner of the land on which the lion (nicknamed Cecil) was killed after allegedly being lured out of the protected Hwange area.
Walter Palmer's previous exploits in "trophy hunting," The Telegraph notes, are well-documented; he's shown on this blog posing with an elk, a bighorn sheep, and (somewhat disturbingly) a leopard that he killed, and was written about in The New York Times in 2009. The Times and the Telegraph both note that, in 2008, Palmer pleaded guilty to charges that he made a false statement to Federal wildlife officials about the details of a black bear hunt in Wisconsin. He was sentenced to a year's probation.
The website for Palmer's dental practice says he is a North Dakota native who enjoys participating in activities during which he can "stay active and observe and photograph wildlife."
The Zimbabwe Professional Hunters and Guides Association acknowledged in a statement on its Facebook page that one of the individuals involved in the killing had committed a "violation of the ethics of ZPHGA" and has been suspended from the group.
The Guardian reports that police in Zimbabwe are "seeking the lion’s remains among the country’s taxidermists." The animal is thought to have been killed on 6 July 2015.
Rico says okay, first we pull out all Palmer's teeth without anesthetic (on live television, of course), then we shoot and behead him...

Here's his data (though he already took down his website):
Todd Palmer Dental
330 Heritage Place,  Faribault, Minnesotra 55021‎
(507) 332-8461
Feel free to call and abuse him. (Verbally, of course; we'll have to wait for the beheading.)

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