22 June 2015

The Pope, ignoring the past, as usual

Time has an article by Frances D'Emilio via The Associated Press about the Pope's latest:
Pope Francis (photo) recently denounced what he calls the “great powers” of the world for failing to act when there was intelligence indicating Jews, Christians, homosexuals, and others were being transported to death camps in Europe during World War Two.
He also decried the deaths of Christians in the gulags in Russia under the Stalin dictatorship which followed the war.
The Pope’s harsh assessments came in impromptu remarks during his visit to Turin in northern Italy, when he told young people he understands how they find it hard to trust the world.
“The great powers had photographs of the railway routes that the trains took to Auschwitz to kill Jews, Christians, homosexuals, everybody,” Francis said, citing the death camp in Poland, and asked: “Why didn’t they bomb those railroad routes?"
Referring to the gulags in Russia, Francis said: “How many Christians suffered, were killed” there.
Lamenting the cynicism of world players in the 1930s and 1940s, Francis said: “the great powers divided up Europe like a cake.” He also cited what he called the “great tragedy of Armenia.” “In the last century so many millions of Armenians died. But where were the great powers then? They were looking the other way,” the Pope said.
In April of 2015, the Pope angered Turkey when he referred to the slaughter of Armenians by Turkish Ottomans as “genocide.”
In today’s world, he told the young people: “Everything is done for money.” He criticized those advocating peace while manufacturing or selling arms.
Francis reiterated his view that conflicts in the world today are tantamount to “a Third World War in segments.”
Rico says this safely ignores the millions killed or displaced by little Catholic things like the Inquisition over the years...

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