20 June 2015

Rico knew him when

Rico says his schoolmate from high school, Rick English, took up photography (his father's trade) and Rico hired him to shoot chapter divider photos when Rico worked at Apple (back when they had pretty printed manuals), but Rick (at left in the photos) has gone on to bigger things:

I'm not sure if you know the backstory of what I’ve been doing. My pal Eric (who I went to Moscow and Cuba with, and did the Preventing Genocide documentary), lives in Los Angeles, and wound up meeting Darryl Jones, the bass player for the The Rolling Stones since 1993. He asked him if he would let us do a documentary about him, he finally agreed, and I've gone down to Los Angeles several times since last August, interviewing him and other musicians he's played with (he started playing with Miles Davis, and played with Sting, Madonna, etc). Eric asked if there was any chance of us interviewing the other Stones. They started their current tour in San Diego a few weeks ago. Last week Darryl said Keith, Ronnie, and Charlie had agreed and we could interview them in Orlando. Flew out Friday, got VIP passes, and went to the show Friday night at the Citrus Bowl. They are tight and ferocious right now. Sunday we interviewed them, and it blew my mind. Having Keith walk in and shake our hands, he was friendly and very cordial. He is one of my major guitar influences. Unbelievable. Go to my site www.rickenglish.com, to see the photos I took of them (under 'people'). I hope you get as much pleasure out of seeing this as I got experiencing it. Also go to Facebook to see the photos and comments.

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