25 June 2015

Now get out, bitch

Stephen Crockett has an article in The Root about someone forgetting their manners:
It was supposed to be a cordial reception at the White House recently to honor LGBT Pride month. But, CNN notes that the "President was half-way through delivering an address about civil rights for lesbian, gay, and transsexual Americans," when he was abruptly interrupted. According to reports the heckler was a Mexican transgender immigrant who repeatedly kept calling the President's name.
Obama tried asking the woman to remain quiet, to no avail. After a few more interruptions, the President informed her of her location: "No no no no no. You're in my house," he said.
The President tried to pick up with where he left off in his speech but the woman wouldn't be denied. She continued to interrupt the President and at one point, the crowd began booing the woman. The President then asked that she be removed. "You know what? It's not respectful when you get invited to somebody... You're not going to get a good response from me by interrupting me like this. I'm sorry." He continued: "Shame on you! You shouldn't be doing this... Can we escort this person out? Come on. You can either stay and, be quiet, or we'll have to take you out."
According to the Daily Mail, the woman, later identified as Jennicet GutiƩrrez, is reported to be "an undocumented entrant from Mexico who has changed gender to be a woman" and was trying to make "a point about gay, lesbian, and transsexual immigrants who are being held by border officials."
The woman was removed from the event and the President pointed out why this particularly heckle-fest disturbed him: "As a general rule, I am just fine with a few hecklers... But not when I'm up in the White House. My attitude is, if you're eating the hors d'oeuvres and drinkin' the booze... Anyway, where was I?"

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