23 June 2015


Rico says he sent this story about his cat to the vet, and won the Pet of the Month (sorry, Bob Guccione, not that kind of pet) and got some cat goodies as a prize:

Flora is one of two foundling cats in our family.
She showed up, totally pregnant, on a friend's doorstep, and gave birth to a litter in a cardboard box on their driveway.
After giving some of the kittens away, and keeping several, they were left with a polydactyl post-partum cat.
I had just gotten out of the hospital, and they decided "Hey, we could give her to Mark!", and did.
After getting her spayed (and later getting a now-neutered male foundling, Bud), she's still sleeping her many hours a day and struggling with her weight.
We love her.

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