08 April 2015

Oops for the day (GoPro division)

Helen Regan has a Time article about dropping your camera:
Footage from a GoPro camera that plummeted three thousand meters after falling from a skydiver has gone viral, after a man uploaded the video to Youtube (above).
Kristoffer says his father found the GoPro in a forest near Kristianstad, Sweden with the memory card intact.
The incredible video shows a group of skydivers jumping out of a plane. After about thirty seconds of free falling, the camera gets dropped and hurtles towards the ground, spinning frantically as it falls.
Rico says that Örstadius, the Swedish guy (they're so nice) who found it, posted this:
My dad, a mycologist, found a GoPro camera in Gringelstad outside Kristianstad. He found it on the ground in a forest. The memory card was intact, and this is the last film. Are you the right skydiver? Please let me know so we can send you the camera and the memory card.
Örstadius uploaded the footage with the hopes of finding the owner, and as luck would have it, a day after posting the video, he issued an update saying the owner was “a parachutist in Everöd in Skåne.”

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