30 March 2015

The best guys in charge

Rant Political has an list by Derek Butler of great military leaders:

14. Erwin Rommel
The Desert Fox, as he was known, was Field Marshal of the Afrika Korps Seventh Panzer Division. His maneuvering skills and strategic vision were unmatched at the time, as few units were able to stop him. His reliance on surprise and insistence on varying his tactics were legendary. His Afrika Korps also treated prisoners unusually well, refused any order to kill Jewish prisoners, and Rommel himself was part of a plot to kill Hitler.

13. General William Tecumseh Sherman

While the Union was struggling to gain the upper hand in the Civil War, General Sherman took matters into his own hands, leading his troops through a slaughter-fest of a 'scorched earth' campaign through the South, winning the war.
Sherman's March ended up being the straw that broke the back of the Confederacy, as Union troops under his command proceeded to simply destroy or kill anything grey and rebellious that stood in their way.

Rico says WHAT

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