12 March 2015

Star Wars for the day

Maya Rhodan has a Time article about a long-awaited sequel:
Star Wars Episode VIII, the second installment in the iconic film’s latest trilogy, will hit theaters on 26 May 2017, forty years and a day after the release of the first ever Star Wars film.
It will be written and directed by Rian Johnson, known for his work on the sci-fi classic Looper.
Bob Iger, chairman and CEO of Disney, shared the news about the next Star Wars film at a meeting with shareholders recently, where he also shared details of another project: in December of 2016, Disney will release a standalone film that explores the characters of Star Wars, titled Rogue One.
There’s already a lot of star power behind the upcoming spinoff, which will be directed by Gareth Edwards of Godzilla fame and star Academy Award nominee Felicity Jones.
Rico says he'll undoubtedly go see them...

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