04 March 2015

More World War Two for the day

Rico says the Holocaust is with us still, and the WW2 Database has an article about another (finally) dead Nazi:
Austrian Nazi Alois Brunner (photo, top) oversaw the deportation of more than forty thousand Austrian Jews, forty thousand Greek Jews, over twenty thousand French Jews, and fourteen thousand Slovakian Jews to Auschwitz (photo, bottom), a great many of them would perish at that extermination camp in occupied Poland. At the end of the war, he was able to hide before the Allies identified him as a key player in the Holocaust. He was found to be in Syria, but, unlike his former commanding officer Adolf Eichmann, Israeli authorities were not able to assassinate nor capture him. In 2010, a source considered to be reliable by the Simon Wiesenthal Center informed the center that Brunner had died of natural causes in 2010. Efraim Zuroff, director of the Israeli office of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, removed Brunner from the wanted list in 2010, despite the inability to confirm the intelligence, since Brunner would have been of advanced age regardless. Zuroff expressed regret that Brunner, who continued to persecute Jews as an advisor to the Syrian government, escaped justice.
The BBC has more:
The chief investigator pursuing Alois Brunner, one of the world's most wanted Nazi war criminals, has told the BBC that he is "99% sure" that he died four years ago in Syria. "We cannot prove it forensically, but we are certain that is the case," Nazi-hunter Efraim Zuroff said.
SS Captain Brunner (photo, top), who would now be 102, is accused of deporting more than a hundred thousand Jews to death camps in World War Two. For many years there has been uncertainty as to whether he was dead.
Brunner was right-hand man to the Gestapo's 'technician of death', Adolf Eichmann.
Dr. Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Jerusalem, Israel, told the BBC that new information had recently come to light about Brunner's death and burial in Damascus, Syria from a "reliable" former German secret service agent who had served in the Middle East. He said that the new evidence revealed that Brunner was buried in an unknown location in Damascus around 2010, and was unrepentant of his crimes.
In April of 2014, Brunner was removed from the Simon Wiesenthal Center's most-wanted list, in a move signifying that it considered him to be dead. Dr. Zuroff, who is also a Holocaust historian, said that the latest information provided more concrete evidence to support that conclusion. "Brunner played a key role in the implementation of Hitler's 'Final Solution' to murder Jews," Dr Zuroff said, "and was a monster." He said that Brunner sent 47,000 Jews in Austria, 44,000 in Greece, 23,500 in France and 14,000 in Slovakia to camps where most were murdered.
In the 1950s, Brunner is believed to have fled to Syria. He reportedly served as an adviser to President Hafez al-Assad and is thought to have instructed his government on torture tactics.
The Austrian-born SS chief was once described by Adolf Eichmann, the architect of the 'Final Solution', as one of his best men. Eichmann dispatched Brunner wherever he felt round-ups of Jews were proceeding too slowly. From June of 1943 until the liberation of France, he sent thousands of Jews to their almost certain deaths. He waged a reign of terror on the French Riviera, hunting down Jews who had sought refuge in the relative safety of the Italian occupied zone
It is widely believed that he fled to Syria in the 1950s, living under the false name of Georg Fischer, and that successive regimes offered him protection, though Syria has repeatedly denied harboring him. In 2001 he was sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment by a court in France.
Brunner was in charge of the Drancy internment camp outside Paris, where Jews rounded up in France were held before being sent to the death camps. An estimated 345 children were among his victims.
Dr. Zuroff said that Brunner survived at least two Israeli intelligence assassination attempts while in Syria, in 1961 and 1980. He said that the Syrian civil war made it impossible to know the precise location of Brunner's grave.
Rico says the location of his grave is unimportant (other than for pissing-on purposes), as long as he's in it...

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