11 March 2015

Apple porn for the day

Fortune has an article by Philip Elmer-DeWitt about hot videos about an unlikely subject:
“It begins at the molecular level,” croons Sir Jony Ive in his soothing, much-parodied British accent. He’s describing in one of the three videos (below) how Apple’s metallurgists, starting with a “uniquely luxurious metal,” have made precise adjustments in the amount of silver, copper, and palladium to achieve specific hues of yellow and rose gold.
In a second video, he explains how Apple’s engineers add tightly controlled amounts of magnesium and zinc to molten aluminum to custom design a new alloy that’s sixty percent stronger than standard alloys but just as light.
Stainless steel, he says in the third, is both strong and beautiful. “For Apple Watch, we start with an alloy known for its strength and corrosion resistance. We then customize it through a series of alloying and processing steps to make it even stronger.”
Material science has never been so sexy or so beautiful. Apple must have spent a small fortune on these two-minute videos, with their tight, slow-motion shots of extruding, forging, milling, buffing, texturing, and anodizing.
But there’s a method to this madness. Apple wants the ten-thousand-dollar starting price of the Gold Edition to raise the perceived value of all its watches.
Functionally, your $349 aluminum Sport is the same device as the Chinese billionaire’s $17,000 gold watch with the bright red gold band.
The message of these videos is that the care Apple takes with one alloy it takes with them all. Whatever Watch you choose, you get the same obsessive attention to detail, down to the molecular level.



Rico says he'll pass, thank you, though he's sure he'll be seeing a lot of these (well, not the Gold Edition)...

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