19 February 2015

Idiots for the day

Sam Frizell has a Time article about bad behavior by Lenovo:
Chinese computer manufacturer Lenovo is getting flak for selling laptops with marketing software that experts say opens up a door for hackers. The software, called Superfish, analyzes users’ internet habits and displays third-party ads based on that activity, The Next Web reports.
Troublingly, Superfish also impersonates certificates for encrypted websites in order to monitor users’ behavior, even on protected sites. That can open a door for hackers targeting sensitive information like passwords or banking details, because users’ data isn’t being protected as well as it ought to be.
In a statement, Lenovo said it stopped preloading the software in January of 2014, and won’t preload it in the future. Lenovo also defended itself from criticism over installing Superfish in the first place, but it didn’t address the false certificate problem.
“We have thoroughly investigated this technology, and do not find any evidence to substantiate security concerns,” Lenovo said. “But we know that users reacted to this issue with concern, and so we have taken direct action to stop shipping any products with this software.”
Rico says that, if Apple did this, people would march on Cupertino with torches and pitchforks...

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