04 January 2015

Syria for the day

Daniel P. Welch has an article at the PF Soto site about fallout from the Syrian conflict:
From reports I've seen, most of the passengers appear to be Syrian. So what is happening is that the war, fostered by the United States through its western proxies and the Gulf monarchies, is creating a refuge situation that pushes people to desperation. And they're being taken advantage of by these human traffickers, to whom they pay thousands of dollars for the prospect of a better life in Europe, and then they are promptly abandoned and left floating off the coast of Italy.
I don't know that it's just that side effects were unforeseen; they just don't care. It may have been unforeseen by the Europeans. It may be ten thousand miles away from American shores, but it's right off the coast of Italy. And these European 'partner', which is to say vassal, states, who go along with these horrendous policies of our Empire, are seeing these chickens come home to roost. It may be that, in the short run, Europeans are beginning to question their obsequious alliance with our Empire because they are the ones who are reaping these so called 'benefits' of the refugees washing up on their shores. Its' a horrendous situation and they're part of it; they're sponsoring it. So maybe they'll begin to think twice about the Atlantacist alliance."
Comment by Kevin Hester:
Migrants? They aren't migrants. They are Syrian refugees, as you pointed out. Notice there are smoke stains on the open hatches of the ship, this is from fires inside, presumably cooking fires.The Empire has driven these Syrians from their homes onto perilous seas with no one wanting them. This is a small microcosm of the hundreds of millions of climate change refugees we will soon see as our biosphere unravels.
Rico says he's, unfortunately, right; global warming will displace a lot of people...

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