11 January 2015

Zimmerman arrested

Time has an article by Charlotte Alter about George Zimmerman, in trouble again:
George Zimmerman was arrested Friday night for alleged aggravated assault with a weapon in a domestic violence case.
Zimmerman, who, in 2013, was acquitted for the 2012 shooting death of unarmed black teen Trayvon Martin, is being held without bond, according to the Seminole County Sheriff’s website.
Zimmerman has had a number of domestic violence incidences since his acquittal for Martin’s death. In September of 2013, his then-wife, Shellie Zimmerman, called 911 and told police he was threatening her with a gun, but later opted not to press charges. In November of the same year, his girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe, requested Zimmerman not be charged with domestic violence after she told police he pointed a gun at her. Scheibe said investigators had misinterpreted her statements.
Zimmerman was due in court Saturday morning.
Rico says some people are more trouble than they're worth...

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