20 January 2015

Discord in Paris

Ben Mathis-Lilley has a Slate article about the mayor of Paris, France, pissed at Fox News:
In the wake of the French jihadist terror attacks, Fox News broadcast (and later apologized for) a specious claim that Muslim radicals have turned a number of neighborhoods in France and other parts of Europe into “no-go zones” into which outsiders dare not travel, and sinister Sharia law is enforced. (Slate’s Laura Anderson, a known non-Muslim, lived in one of the alleged Sharia zones and writes that it “remains one of her favorite parts of Paris”.) CNN’s Christine Amanpour reports that Mayor Anne Hidalgo  (photo, left) has vowed to sue Fox News over the claim.
In some ways, this potential lawsuit seems like a complete absurdity invented in a work of satirical fiction. But, at the same time, given the conservative network’s long-held antipathy for the French, it also seems like a historical inevitability that was fated in the stars for centuries.
Rico says no one, not even the French, should take Fox News seriously... (And, as a 'known non-Muslim', don't take Rico seriously, either.)

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