01 January 2015

Apple for the day

Rishi Iyengar has a Time article about Apple being sued, yet again:
Two iPhone users have initiated a class action lawsuit against Apple, claiming that the company misrepresented the phone’s storage capacity after users upgraded to the new iOS 8 operating system on iPhone 5S, 6, and 6+ devices.
The users, Paul Orshan and Christopher Endara, filed a complaint in a California court, Apple Insider reported. The complaint alleges that Apple failed to inform its users that installing iOS 8 would take up more than twenty percent of the phone’s storage capacity.
Orshan and Endara further accuse the company of using the limits in storage capacity to force consumers to pay for upgrades to their iCloud storage capacities.
The lawsuit states that Apple is using “sharp business tactics” to cash in on a “desperate moment” for users, like “trying to record or take photos at a child or grandchild’s recital, basketball game, or wedding.”
Rico says there's nothing worse than whiny geeks with enough money to hire lawyers...

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