06 December 2014

Tigers go on killing spree in China

Time has an article from NBC News about the Russian tigers, now in China, doing what tigers do:
Russia’s latest border incursion has farmers on edge in northeastern China, where the authorities have banned them from climbing, hiking, and collecting wood in a mountainous area where the two nations meet.
The border has been breached by two large Siberian tigers that were personally released into the wild with much fanfare by Russian President Vladimir Putin (photo, left).
Both appear to have an appetite for Chinese food: one of the duo, called Ustin, went on a killing spree earlier this week, leaving fifteen Chinese goats dead. Three more are missing. Its partner in crime, Kuzya, crossed the border a month earlier.
Rico says he wonders what the fuck did they expect? They're tigers. They kill things to eat, just like we do. (And it's still better than Putin's army in the Ukraine, who don't even eat their kills.)

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