07 December 2014

Movie reviews for the day (TOIL & JHC)

Rico says the ladyfriend picked (fortunately, otherwise he'd've never heard the end of it) and we watched two odd movies recently:

The One I Love, a movie about a couple, struggling with a marriage on the brink of falling apart, who escape for a weekend in pursuit of their better selves, only to discover an unusual dilemma that awaits them.

Rico says that unusual is putting it mildly; unfortunately the couple (played by Elisabeth Moss and Mark Dupless, twice over) didn't get to have the shootout with their therapist (played by Ted Danson) they'd hoped for...

Jesus Henry Christ, a movie about Henry James Hermin, a boy (played by Jason Spevack) conceived in a petri dish and raised by his feminist mother (played by Patricia Herman), who, at the age of ten, follows a string of Post-It notes in hopes of finding his biological father (played by Michael Sheen).

Rico says it was very odd, if compelling; he did watch it to the end. (But Rico says he did have to look up where the middle initial H came from...)

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