06 December 2014

More space for the day

CNN has an article by Brandon Griggs about a tricky move with a GoPro:
Add another entry to the growing list of crazy footage captured by GoPro cameras.
NASA posted a video (above) this week of three astronauts playing with a floating, softball-sized water bubble aboard the International Space Station. That's been done before, but the trio added a new wrinkle: they put a sealed GoPro inside the bubble, creating an orbiting "bubblecam" that helped document the feat. They then recorded the whole thing with another camera, in 3-D.
"That's so wild!" says NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman in the clip, which has more than eight hundred thousand views on YouTube. Wiseman joined fellow NASA astronaut Steve Swanson and European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst last summer in shooting the video, which explores the phenomenon of water-surface tension in microgravity.
We know becoming an astronaut is hard work, and that living in space is no picnic. But to us earthbound people, zero gravity sure looks like fun.
Rico says some things you can only do in space...

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